(scroll down for english)
Rojena v letu, ko so fotografirali »skrivnostni obraz« na Marsu. Moji najstarejši spomini so vezani na gozdna raziskovanja in ustvarjalnost. Odraščanje v idili redko zaseljenega podeželja me je trdno povezalo z naravo, veliko bolj kot z ljudmi.
Kot osnovnošolka pogosto zaprta v sobo med barve, škarje in papir. Udeleženka vsake šolske likovne kolonije, imela privilegij porisati stekleni vezni hodnik na OŠ Vojnik. Prosti čas sem izkoriščala za pohajkovanja v naravi, pisanja neskončnih pisem stotini dopisovalcev z vsega sveta, zbiranje znamk, izdelovanje lastnega mesečnega časopisa za prijateljice, risanje. Na koncu OŠ sem si prislužila naslov najboljše športnice šole in zna biti, da je po kupu priznanj in spominov osnovna šola štela v moje najuspešnejše življenjsko obdobje.
Štiri leta na Kajuhovi gimnaziji v Celju so bila predvsem čas za širjenje obzorij. Šele zdaj opažam, da je to obdobje najmočneje zaznamovala francoščina pri prof. Slavku Deržku. Frankofonijo je uspel tako vtisniti v moje globine, da je čez dolga leta tudi moj sin dobil francosko ime. Pri mojih prvih srednješolskih delovnih izkušnjah sem se dotaknila grafičnega oblikovanja v celjskem studiu RaGra. Razmišljanje o nadaljnjem izobraževanju mi je delalo preglavice, saj sem imela v mislih zelo široko paleto fakultet, ki so pokrivale naravoslovje, tehniko, družboslovje in umetnost. O tem smo se neko šolsko uro pogovarjali s prof. Juano Robido. Zadostoval je en pogled iznad očal in povsem nova ideja »zakaj pa ti ne bi šla študirat arhitekture, ko si tako ustvarjalna«.
Brez risarskih priprav in predznanja je bil sprejemni izpit za mano in velik korak v življenju zakoličen. Otrok podeželja se je preselil v urbano slovensko prestolnico. Nikoli je nisem zares ponotranjila, me je pa študentski čas naučil, da lahko svoje korenine zasadim kadarkoli in kjerkoli, kjer se dobro počutim. Študij arhitekture je izpilil teoretično podlago moje splošne ustvarjalnosti in mi je ustrezal zaradi specifičnega prepleta tehnike z umetnostjo.
Še pred koncem študija sem dobila priložnost za delo v Razvojnem centru Inženiringi Celje, kjer sem z odlično ekipo arhitektov ter gradbenih, strojnih in elektro strokovnjakov padla v realni svet gradbeništva. Pri študiju papir prenese vse, praksa pa je neusmiljena. Sodelovala sem tudi z birojem GO ing d.o.o. Čez čas je arhitekturni del podjetja RCI razpadel in novo službo sem si kot izbranka na razpisu našla na Ceste Mostovi Inženiring Celje. Zanimiva izkušnja je bila delati v precej velikem podjetju, kjer sem bila svoje prvo leto npr. deležna še velike kolektivne proslave in daril ob dnevu žena. Samostojne izkušnje na gradbišču in sodelovanja z različnimi projektantskimi ekipami so prinesli ogromno praktičnega znanja in veselila sem se svoje poklicne poti v velikem podjetju, načrtovala strokovni izpit in se predvsem prehitro veselila dobre zgodbe, saj je inženiring skupaj z velikim matičnim podjetjem v nekaj letih odšel rakom žvižgat. To je bil krizni čas, ko so razpadli tudi vsi večji projektivni biroji in se je zdelo nemogoče dobiti službo arhitekta.
Družina je načeloma tista, ki človeku vedno stoji ob strani in odprla so se mi vrata v svet mednarodnih in domačih avtobusnih prevozov. V majhnem podjetju je človek hitro primoran prijeti za vsako delo in se izpili na vseh področjih, delo v turistični branži pa mi je bilo vedno nekakšna simpatija, zato sem se zlahka vživela. Načrtovanje potovanj, jeziki, komunikacija, logistika. Stika z arhitekturo tudi v tem obdobju nisem izgubila, še vedno sem se našla v kakšni zanimivi arhitekturni zgodbi, poleg tega pa sem se preizkušala tudi v pisanju različnih poljudno-strokovnih člankov za arhitekturne revije.
Kot nekakšen produkt kreativnosti, potovanj in poklica sem po vrsti naključij našla veselje tudi v fotografskem izražanju. Leta 2008 sem bila povabljena v Društvo fotografov Svit in tam pravzaprav šele spoznala osnove širnega fotografskega ustvarjanja, ki presega zgolj lepote ujetih trenutkov za družinski album. Povlekel me je takrat aktualni tok pošiljanja fotografij na razpise in prejemati sem začela prve nagrade. Najbolj so se mi vtisnile v spomin zlata medalja za posamično fotografijo s klubskega svetovnega prvenstva v Parizu (2010), zlata medalja in zlat prstan na celjskem mednarodnem salonu (2009) ter srebrna medalja s pokalom v Abu Dhabiju (2011), kamor smo bili nagrajenci tudi povabljeni. Tam so se zanetila zanimiva mednarodna prijateljstva, ki so me pozneje ponesla še drugod po svetu.
Vštric s številnimi domačimi in mednarodnimi fotografskimi nagradami so spontano prišli tudi uradni fotografski nazivi. V mednarodni fotografski zvezi nosim naziv “excellence FIAP diamond 1” in v domači fotografski zvezi najvišji naziv “mojstrica fotografije MF FZS«. Večkrat sem vabljena kot članica žirije na domače in mednarodne fotografske razstave. V letu 2019 sem bila povabljena tudi v ekipo izvršilnega odbora Fotografske zveze Slovenije, v naslednjem mandatu pa sem bila izvoljena za podpredsednico FZS.
V mojo zgodbo o fotografiji se je pred leti vpletla tudi revija Digitalna Kamera. Začelo se je l. 2009 s prvo nagrado na Fotosalonovem fotografskem natečaju (KLIK tukaj za anekdoto), dolgoletno sodelovanje pa je prineslo širok repertoar novih znanj in predvsem številne nove izzive, ki vedno znova premikajo moje meje. Fotografija se je začela tesno povezovati z novinarstvom, izobraževanjem, turizmom … in če se navežem na konec srednje šole, ko se kar nisem mogla odločiti, na katero področje naj usmerim svoje življenje – v realnosti kar dobro povezujem precej velik del mojih interesov.
Zgodba o avtobusnem turizmu se je v korona časih zaključila, se pa pogosto znajdem za volanom kombija, ko se z Digitalno Kamero podajamo na fotopotepe širom Evrope, kar mi je bistveno ljubše od sedenja v pisarni. “Moje vesolje” je velik preplet ustvarjalnosti – svoje arhitekturno poslanstvo udejanjam s sodelavci v biroju Razvoj Vizije d.o.o., kjer se posvečamo predvsem institucionalnim gradnjam, pogosto primem v roke fotoaparat, marsikdaj zapolnjujem prazne strani s teksti na različne teme, pripravljam fotografske razstavne projekte, tu in tam se lotim kakšnega grafično-oblikovalskega izziva, postavljam se v vlogo mentorice in predavateljice, pa še kaj bi se našlo.
Kaj imajo hodniki življenja zame pripravljeno v prihodnosti, pa … kdo bi vedel. Kot vedno, bom tu in tam spontano odprla kakšna vrata in zvedavo pokukala, kaj je za njimi.
(cel seznam TUKAJ)
– 1. mesto v temi pokrajina – XPOSURE Awards 2022, Združeni Arabski Emirati
– najboljših 10, Alpha Female Awards 2023 – Sony World Photography Awards, London
– najboljših 15, odprta kategorija, Sony World Photography Awards 2023, London
– absolutna zmagovalka, Travel Photographer of the Year 2023, Suffolk, Združeno kraljestvo
Morda je na mestu, da razložim tisti krepki, rdeči “CARPE DIEM” na uvodni strani. Rimljani so dobro poznali življenje in po toliko stoletjih nismo prišli prav daleč naprej. Dejstvo je, da je življenje že samo po sebi nepredvidljivo. Nikoli ne veš, kaj bo jutri. Zato je potrebno izkoristiti dan, ki je na voljo. In to je danes. Danes nazdravite s tistimi najbolj fensi kozarci za šampanjec, danes ljubljeni osebi ušpičite kaj lepega, danes se uležite v mehko travo in poslušajte, kako raste. Bodite veseli, da ste še med živimi, ko se zjutraj zbudite. Izkoristite dan. Užijte dan. Izžemite iz njega tisto, kar vam največ pomeni.
Born in the year when the “mysterious face” on Mars was photographed. My earliest memories are tied to forest explorations and creativity. Growing up in the idyllic, sparsely populated countryside firmly connected me with nature, much more than with people. As a primary school student, I was often locked in my room among colors, scissors, and paper. I participated in every school art colony and had the privilege of decorating the glass connecting corridor at Vojnik Elementary School. I used my free time for wandering in nature, writing endless letters to a hundred pen pals from around the world, collecting stamps, creating my own monthly magazine for friends, and drawing. At the end of elementary school, I earned the title of the school’s best athlete, and it seems that, after a heap of awards and memories, elementary school counted as one of the most successful periods of my life.
The four years at Kajuh Gymnasium in Celje were primarily a time for broadening horizons. Only now do I realize that this period was most strongly marked by French with Prof. Slavko Deržek. He managed to imprint Francophonie so deeply into me that, many years later, my son received a French name. During my first high school work experiences, I touched on graphic design at the RaGra studio in Celje. Thinking about further education was troubling, as I had in mind a wide range of faculties covering natural sciences, technology, social sciences, and art. We discussed this during one school hour with Prof. Juana Robida. One look over her glasses and a completely new idea arose, “Why don’t you study architecture, since you are so creative?”
Without drawing preparations and prior knowledge, I passed the entrance exam, marking a significant step in my life. A child of the countryside moved to the urban Slovenian capital. I never really adopted it, but my student years taught me that I can plant my roots anytime and anywhere I feel good. Studying architecture refined the theoretical basis of my general creativity and suited me due to its specific blend of technology and art.
Before finishing my studies, I had the opportunity to work at the Development Center Inženiringi Celje, where, with an excellent team of architects and construction, mechanical, and electrical experts, I plunged into the real world of construction. In studies, paper can handle anything, but practice is relentless. I also collaborated with the GO ing d.o.o. office. After some time, the architectural part of the RCI company disbanded, and I found a new job at Ceste Mostovi Inženiring Celje by winning a selection process. It was an interesting experience working in a fairly large company, where, for example, during my first year, I was part of a grand collective celebration and received gifts for Women’s Day. Independent experiences on construction sites and collaborations with various design teams brought a lot of practical knowledge, and I was excited about my professional path in a large company, planning for a professional exam, and too eagerly anticipated a good story, as the engineering company, along with the large parent company, went bankrupt in a few years. It was a crisis time when all major design offices also disbanded, and it seemed impossible to get a job as an architect.
Family is generally the one that always stands by a person, and doors opened for me in the world of international and domestic bus transportation. In a small company, one quickly has to take on every job and become proficient in all areas, and work in the tourism industry was always somewhat appealing to me, so I easily adapted. Planning trips, languages, communication, logistics. I did not lose touch with architecture during this period; I still found myself in some interesting architectural stories and also tried my hand at writing various popular-scientific articles for architectural magazines.
As a product of creativity, travel, and profession, I found joy in photographic expression through a series of coincidences. In 2008, I was invited to the local DF Svit photographers’ association, where I first learned the basics of extensive photographic creation, which goes beyond merely capturing beautiful moments for a family album. I was drawn by the then-current trend of submitting photos to competitions and began receiving my first awards. The ones that stuck in my memory the most were the gold medal for an individual photo at the Club World Championship 2010 in Paris, the gold medal and gold ring at the Celje International Salon 2009, and the silver medal with a trophy in Abu Dhabi 2011, where the award winners were also invited. Interesting international friendships sparked there, later taking me to other parts of the world.
Alongside numerous domestic and international photography awards, official photographic titles spontaneously arrived. In the international photographic association, I hold the title “Excellence FIAP Diamond 1,” and in the slovenian photographic association, the highest title of “Master of photography FZS.” I am frequently invited as a jury member to domestic and international photographic exhibitions. In 2019, I was invited to the executive committee team of the Photographic Association of Slovenia, and in the next term, I was elected as the vice-president of FZS.
My photography story intertwined with Digitalna Kamera magazine years ago. It started in 2009 with the first prize in the Fotosalon photography competition (CLICK here for the anecdote). Long-term cooperation brought a wide repertoire of new knowledge and, above all, numerous new challenges that continually push my boundaries. Photography began to closely connect with journalism, education, tourism… and if I refer to the end of high school when I couldn’t decide which field to direct my life towards – in reality, I quite well connect a large part of my interests.
The story of bus tourism ended during the corona times, but I often find myself behind the wheel of a van when Digitalna Kamera embarks on photo trips across Europe, which I much prefer over sitting in an office. “Moje vesolje – my universe” is a vast intertwining of creativity: I realize my architectural mission with colleagues at Razvoj Vizije d.o.o., where we focus mainly on institutional buildings. I frequently pick up a camera, often fill empty pages with texts on various topics, prepare photographic exhibition projects, occasionally take on a graphic design challenge, assume the role of a mentor and lecturer, and much more.
What the hallways of life have prepared for me in the future, who knows. I’ll spontaneously open some of the the doors and see what’s behind them, as always.
(list of all photographic awards HERE)
– 1st place landscape – XPOSURE Awards 2022, United Arab Emirates
– shortlist top 10, Alpha Female Awards 2023 – Sony World Photography Awards, London
– shortlist top 15, open cathegory, Sony World Photography Awards 2023, London
– overall winner, Travel Photographer of the Year 2023, Suffolk, UK
Perhaps it’s fitting to explain that bold, red “CARPE DIEM” on the introductory page. The Romans knew life well, and after so many centuries, we haven’t come very far. The fact is, life is inherently unpredictable. You never know what tomorrow will bring. That’s why it’s necessary to seize the day that is available. And that is today. Today, toast with those fancy champagne glasses, today, do something lovely for your beloved, today, lie down in the soft grass and listen to it grow. Be grateful that you are still among the living when you wake up in the morning. Seize the day. Enjoy the day. Squeeze from it what matters most to you.
An architect by practice and profession, she is also a passionate lover of nature, our planet, and the secrets of the universe. An aesthete and a creative soul across various fields, she doesn’t label herself as a photographer—photography is her essential need, a way to capture and preserve the moments of her life.
More than a decade ago, she began connecting with like-minded in a local photography club, and since then, her approach to photography has deepened and expanded. She has received numerous national and international photography awards and is frequently invited to judge photography competitions. She was honored with the prestigious TPOTY 2023 title and was twice a finalist in the Sony WPA 2023. In her national photography association, she holds the title of Master Photographer, and internationally she has earned the EFIAP/d1 distinction.
She is the photography editor and content creator for Digital Camera Slovenia magazine, the vice president of the Photographic Association of Slovenia, also vice president of Digital Photo Club, an occasional lecturer, and the leader of a photography group for seniors. Together with her team, she organizes photography trips across Europe and organizes numerous domestic and international photographic exhibition projects.
For her, photography is a way of life, a form of creative relaxation, and a constant source of inspiration. She rarely defines it as work, even when photographing for a specific project.
She believes that photography is created in the mind, the camera merely being a tool to bring that vision to life. She primarily shoots with Canon and often writes user reviews for various photography equipment. When she doesn’t have her camera with her, there is always her mobile phone on hand, favoring high-end Huawei models, which allow for quite high-quality shots.