Odkar pomnim, je bila fotografija moja osnovna potreba – približno takoj za dihanjem. Da bi ohranila spomine na tok svojega življenja, sem jih morala nekako zabeležiti in nastajali so debeli fotografski albumi z “družinskimi” spomini. Še zdaj jih tu in tam potegnem iz zajetno obteženih polic in z veseljem prelistam in se čudim, kdo je bila tista Andreja tam izpred nekaj življenj. Tako sem “vkup zložena” – preteklost se mi zdi kot neka bleda slika nekoga drugega, prejšnje življenje.
Hvala za fotografijo!
Bilo je nekje po letu 2000, ko sem si kupila svoj prvi “resni” fotoaparat, analogni Canon EOS 3000. Spomnim se, da sem stopila v trgovino Big Bang, kjer me je pozdravila stalna ekipa na foto oddelku. Brkljala sem med kompakti, Matjaž Verk pa mi je v roke potisnil zrcalnorefleksni aparat in me brez težav prepričal, da je to tisto, kar potrebujem.
Pa še kako prav je imel!
Nekje v letu 2008 se je zgodila zanimiva prelomnica. Med službenimi sestanki v inženiring biroju je moje fotografije opazil Andrej Voh in izrekel magične besede: “Pa zakaj ne prideš k nam v Društvo fotografov Svit?”
Kar nekaj časa je trajalo, da sem premlela idejo o tem, da bi zagrizena introvertirana individualistka postala del nekega družabnega, ustvarjalnega kolektiva. V DF Svit se mi je odprl nov svet in s hvaležnostjo ter nostalgijo se spominjam takratnih društvenih srečanj, še v prostorih gasilskega doma na Ostrožnem. Vsakdo od izkušenejših članov je prispeval svoj košček v mozaik mojih razgledov na fotografijo, posebna zahvala pa gre predsedniku društva, ki je bil pravcata zakladnica znanja. Marko Rebov, hvala!
Ko enkrat padeš v društveno fotografijo, sledi tudi prva sprejeta fotografija na kakšnem od foto natečajev in pri meni je po hitrem postopku sledila tudi prva nagrada in tako se vse skupaj pelje še danes…
V tem koščku galerije sem zbrala svoje prve fotografske izdelke. Prvi in najhvaležnejši model je bil seveda moj sin 🙂
Since I can remember, photography has been my basic need—almost immediately after breathing. To preserve memories of the flow of my life, I had to document them somehow, resulting in thick photo albums filled with “family” memories. Even now, I occasionally pull them off the heavily laden shelves and leaf through them with pleasure, marveling at who that Andreja from a few lifetimes ago was. That’s how I’m “put together”—the past seems like a faint picture of someone else, a previous life.
Thank you, photography!
It was sometime after the year 2000 that I bought my first “serious” camera, an analog Canon EOS 3000. I remember walking into the Big Bang store, where the regular team at the photo department greeted me. I was rummaging through the compacts when Matjaž Verk handed me a single-lens reflex camera and easily convinced me that it was what I needed.
And how right he was!
Around 2008, an interesting turning point occurred. During business meetings at the engineering office, Andrej Voh noticed my photographs and uttered the magic words: “Why don’t you join us at the Svit Photography Club?”
It took me quite some time to digest the idea of a determined introverted individualist becoming part of a social, creative collective. At DF Svit, a new world opened up for me, and I look back with gratitude and nostalgia at those club meetings, at the time held in the fire station premises in Ostrožno. Each of the more experienced members contributed their piece to the mosaic of my perspectives on photography, and special thanks go to the club president, who was a real treasure trove of knowledge. Thank you, Marko Rebov!
Once you get into club photography, the first accepted photograph at one of the photo contests soon happens, and in my case, the first award quickly followed, and so it continues to this day…
In this piece of the gallery, I’ve gathered my first photographic works. The first and most grateful model was, of course, my son. 🙂